When it comes to your eyes, there should be no compromise.
We deeply care about our patients, and Dr. Husain personally examines each patient himself. Laser vision correction involves surgery, and it is in the best interest of every patient to follow up with their surgeon both pre-operatively and post-operatively. We believe in a conservative approach, and with this philosophy, have enjoyed among the lowest complication and enhancement rates in the field. Being a part of an established and reputable practice in Des Moines, Dr. Husain’s patients like the easy access to their surgeon. Patients choose us primarily because of our excellent outcomes and quality of care.
To discuss these matters further, please call Dr. Husain’s laser vision coordinator at (515) 244-EYES (3937).
Laser vision correction is a surgery, as with all surgery, the results depend on the skills, experience, judgment, and ethics of the surgeon. Be wary of inaccurate, aggressive, and sensationalized advertising that often appears in newspapers and the media. Since LASIK is economically driven, some practices tend to trivialize the procedure in order to gain market and patient share. All surgery has some risk associated with it, so the critical thing the patient needs to understand is that an experienced surgeon is the most qualified individual to evaluate, perform surgery, and do follow-up care. Therefore, it is important for you to know who will be evaluating your eyes and who will be providing follow-up care after your surgery. If an improper claim is made by someone that the surgeon will not need to see you after surgery, then this should raise a red flag and prompt appropriate questioning by you. A medical procedure on your eyes is not a product that should be commissioned. It is also important to understand that excellent results come from being very selective in choosing the right candidates and not by doing surgery on everybody who walks into the clinic. Not everyone is a candidate for refractive surgery.
Considerations for Laser Vision Correction

Make sure your surgeon is accessible to you when you need him or her. Non-medical personnel care is not equivalent to the care a surgeon can provide. Your goal is to find a center that will provide the best surgery and state-of-the-art equipment, and a surgeon who will provide an honest assessment about your likely outcomes and risks and impart personalized, quality care after your surgery.
Make sure your surgeon personally answers all your questions and concerns. Your surgeon should also discuss other alternative procedures, including their risks and benefits. In our desire to promote the positive aspects of refractive surgery, we should not minimize the potential for complications nor forget that everyone is not a suitable candidate for existing technology.

Careful and meticulous pre-operative evaluation by your surgeon is one of the most important factors leading to a successful outcome in laser vision correction. Make sure your surgeon personally evaluates your eyes and does not rely entirely on non-medical personnel.
Medical saving accounts and FLEX spending accounts have been used for laser vision correction by a large number of our patients. Please ask us for details. It is important to have a screening exam before you decide to use the FLEX/medical saving accounts option. Financing is available.