See your world more clearly with CATA-LASE

For people who desire a life with clearer vision free from contacts and glasses, we offer the CATA-LASE option. This advanced technology couples lifestyle lens implant surgery and laser vision correction to allow our patients to achieve their best possible vision. Through this advanced bioptics technique, we are able to fine tune the vision even further after lens implant surgery through the use of advanced surface ablation using customized idesign wavefront technology. We are utilizing these state-of-the-art technologies and blending lens implant surgery and refractive laser vision correction to obtain the best possible outcome for a glasses and contact lens free future for our patients.
You may choose our CATA-LASE option if:
- You have not been an ideal candidate for laser vision correction
- You are motivated and want to achieve independence from glasses or contact lenses
- You desire clear vision at distance and near without use of bifocals
When used together with lifestyle lenses, these advanced technologies may give patients more visual freedom after lens implant/cataract surgery, helping them remain active for decades.
Please ask us about the state-of-the-art CATA-LASE option. Many of our patients have enjoyed freedom from their glasses and contact lenses through the CATA-LASE procedure.
It’s clearer vision for life!